
Top Appli Android Poker

Android, Google's mobile operating system, already has the Android Market as its official app store, but it may not be serving everybody's needs, especially those of an adult variety.

Check raise ALL IN with these top 5 Poker games on Android, Shuffle up and deal! ★Help Android Gamespot Reach 50,000 Subscribers http://bit.ly/AndroidGamespo. Governor of Poker 3 is one of the more run-of-the-mill poker apps on Android. It has a ton of features and play types. There are six different poker types to play (including Texas Hold’em), online. PPPoker is one of the world's largest private club-based online poker platform, and boasts a global community of poker lovers! Launched in 2016, PPPoker strives to offer the best poker experience to millions of real players from over 100 countries worldwide. In PPPoker, you can create and play in your private Club against friends and family in the most unique and personalised online poker.

As it turns out a company called MiKandi (pronounced 'My Candy'), who is not affiliated with Google, has launched a free Android app store of its own for porn and porn alone. The company is touting their one-of-a-kind store as a mobile revolution giving adult application developers a platform for distribution and porn consumers a means of accessing it. To download the independent porn store to your Android device, simply access MiKandi.com via your mobile browser.

Ideally those accessing the Adult News, Erotica, Eye Candy, Social, and Fun and Games adult app store categories via MiKandi will be over the age of 18, but that doesn't appear to be strictly enforced.

While there's no shortage of stories about Apple's restrictions around porn applications, there's still a market and audience for porn on the iPhone via mobile-friendly porn sites. If however, you're an app developer with something a little more elaborate in mind, then MiKandi's porn store could be just what the dirty doctor ordered.

Top Appli Android Poker App


Top Application Android Poker

[via The Next Web]

Top Appli Android Poker Games

Image courtesy of iStockphoto, millann